Acta Amazonica 52(4) - Summary
Issues: | 52-4 |
Agronomy and Forestry |
Title: |
Phytotechnical performance and resistance to leaffooted bugs of green maize intercropped with Poaceae in the Amazon savannah |
Authors: |
Gabriele Medeiros HERMÓGENES, Eduardo Medeiros de OLIVEIRA, José Maria Arcanjo ALVES, Glauber Ferreira BARRETO, Yenara Alves GUEDES, José de Anchieta Alves de ALBUQUERQUE |
Keywords: |
Leptoglossus zonatus; Pennisetum glaucum; Sorghum bicolor; trap plants; Zea mays |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Agronomy and Forestry |
Title: |
Stem growth of multipurpose tree species: net effect of micrometeorological variability assessed by principal component regression |
Authors: |
Alan Pena de SOUZA, Ricardo Antonio MARENCO |
Keywords: |
Amazon rainforest, growth, ecophysiology, soil water availability |
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Issues: | 52-4 |
Agronomy and Forestry |
Title: |
First record of Psocodea (Psocoptera) on coffee (Coffea canephora) in the Brazilian Amazon (Rondônia state) |
Authors: |
José Nilton Medeiros COSTA, César Augusto Domingues TEIXEIRA, Marcelo CUTRIM, Alberto Moreira da SILVA NETO, José Albertino RAFAEL, Jéssica Gonçalves de SOUZA |
Keywords: |
psocid, coffee plants, host, Archipsocidae, agricultural pests |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Animal and Fisheries Sciences |
Title: |
Evaluation of fisheries management strategies using a biotic integrity index in floodplain lakes in the lower Solimões River, Amazonas, Brazil |
Authors: |
Bruna de Souza ANDRADE, Carlos Edwar de Carvalho FREITAS, Maria Letizia PETESSE, Flávia Kelly SIQUEIRA-SOUZA |
Keywords: |
environmental quality, multimetric index, bioindicators, Amazon basin |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Animal and Fisheries Sciences |
Title: |
Predation on pirarucu larvae by opportunistic fish species |
Authors: |
Adriana Ferreira LIMA, Anderson Guilherme Pereira dos REIS, Alberto AKAMA, Patricia Oliveira MACIEL-HONDA |
Keywords: |
Arapaima gigas, feeding behaviour, fish stress, reproduction |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Animal and Fisheries Sciences |
Title: |
Hemochromatosis-like disease in Brazilian tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in Pará state, Brazil |
Authors: |
Adrielli Heloise dos Anjos LIMA, Américo Meirelles NETO, Rosekelly de Jesus CARDOSO, Natalia Maxine F. P. SARMENTO, Arieli Sousa de OLIVEIRA, Márcio Alan Oliveira MOURA, Gerson Bladimir Escobar GONZALEZ, Gabriela RIET-CORREA, Manoel Ananis Lopes SOARES, Pedro Soares BEZERRA JUNIOR, Alessandra Scofield AMARAL, Valíria Duarte CERQUEIRA |
Keywords: |
hepatopathy, hemosiderin, Perissodactyla, Amazonia |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
Title: |
Ecological aspects of Rhinoclemmys punctularia punctularia (Testudines: Geoemydidae) in two localities in northern Brazil |
Authors: |
Elizângela S. BRITO, Fernando I. MARTINS, Izaias M. FERNANDES, Dante PAVAN, Christine STRÜSSMANN |
Keywords: |
diet, freshwater turtle, population ecology, seasonality, Amazon basin |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
Title: |
Efficiency of trap nests in attracting stingless bees in the central Brazilian Amazon |
Authors: |
Iris Andrade da CRUZ, Carlos Gustavo NUNES-SILVA, Gislene Almeida CARVALHO-ZILSE |
Keywords: |
social bees, Meliponini, attractants, obtaining of swarms, meliponiculture |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
Title: |
So far from home: first record of Chondromorpha xanthotricha (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae) in the Brazilian Amazon |
Authors: |
Thaís Melo de ALMEIDA, Luiz Felipe Moretti INIESTA, Rodrigo Salvador BOUZAN, José Wellington de MORAIS |
Keywords: |
Myriapoda, introduced species, millipede, South America, cyphopods |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
Title: |
Occurrence of the mite Acanthonyssus proechimys (Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae) on a spiny rat in Brazil |
Authors: |
Ricardo BASSINI-SILVA, Fernando de Castro JACINAVICIUS, Ana Carolina CASTRO-SANTIAGO, Ashley P.G. DOWLING, Marcos Rogerio ANDRÉ, Pedro M. LINARDI, Darci Moraes BARROS-BATTESTI |
Keywords: |
mites, ectoparasites, Proechimys, new record |
DOI | |
Issues: | 52-4 |
Chemistry and Pharmacology |
Title: |
Copaiba oleoresin presents anti-obesogenic effect and mitigates inflammation and redox imbalance in adipose tissue |
Authors: |
Luciana Ortega TELLES, Bianca Sulzbacher da SILVA, Angélica Macedo Borges PAULINO,
Sabrina Trigueiro MENDONÇA, Valéria Dornelles Gindri SINHORIN, Milena Campelo Freitas de LIMA,
Valdir Florêncio VEIGA JUNIOR, Carla Regina ANDRIGHETTI, André Ferreira do NASCIMENTO,
Gisele Facholi BOMFIM, Renata Azevedo Melo LUVIZOTTO |
Keywords: |
natural products; high sucrose diet; obesity; Copaifera |
DOI | |